Hugo de Grootplein 13314 EG Dordrecht
P.O Box 394 – 3300 AJ Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Telephone : +31(0)78 633 2308
E-mail :
Internet :
Activities : NMi Certin B.V. is the independent testing and certification
institute for measuring instruments and -systems.
Our long history includes decades of expertise in Oil & Gas,
Cryogenics, LNG and CNG.
Manufacturers and end users can rely on world-wide
recognition of NMi measurement reports and certificates,
resulting in fast market access.
Measuring instruments are tested in our state-of-the-art
laboratories or, where possible, on site for compliance with
the relevant legislation and regulations.
We provide a full range of services and solutions in the
different phases of your product development, helping you
avoid expensive and time-consuming modifications later on.